As sure as the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, you can count on the far Left to lie, spin and spread false narratives about news and issues. The tragic murder of three people in Colorado Springs recently is another case in point.
Rob Boston, a blogger for Americans United for Separation of Church and State, spun these ridiculous claims:
In the wake of Friday’s horrific shootings at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, we’re hearing calls to deescalate the rhetoric around the issue of abortion.
The implication is that both sides are reaching for rhetorical excess. The problem with this claim is that it’s demonstrably untrue.
Pro-choice advocates have argued calmly in favor of reproductive choice for years. They’ve marshalled facts and figures. They have pointed out that Planned Parenthood provides an array of services to men and women, many of whom are low income. They’ve challenged anti-choice activists to explain how these services would be provided if Planned Parenthood were defunded.
The response from many in the anti-choice community has been nowhere near as reasoned. They have ignored the facts, repeatedly employed the most lurid rhetoric imaginable and lobbed charges that don’t stand up to scrutiny. On the fringe of the movement rest people who advocate and employ violence.
These assertions are laughable and completely false to those of us who have been paying attention to the civility/incivility of the debate. It is disingenuous for the people who claim they have the right to kill the most defenseless among us to act as if they are the more caring crowd and to feign shock and surprise when man exhibits his inhumanity to man. How do people on the Left sleep at night knowing they’ve spent the last day lying and they’re going to spend the following day lying again?
The Colorado murderer, who appeared to be mentally unstable in his court appearance, believes he possesses the moral right to take innocent people’s lives. This is the same belief that abortionists and other leftists demand. His actions followed his beliefs, and his actions are diametrically opposed to and, 180 degrees apart from the views and actions of people who do not believe others should have the legal choice to take a person’s life. Whether it is a pre-born child or an elderly or depressed person.
Every human being’s life is precious. Those of us on the Right condemn murderous acts in all contexts — including abortion and euthanasia. Police authorities in Colorado said they do not yet know the shooter’s motives. For anyone to declare knowledge of motive now is irresponsible and dishonest.
If abortion activists really believe that toxic rhetoric incites violence, they should cease their own toxic rhetoric and end the false accusations against pro-life people. We will show you some of their hateful, vile, vulgar, disgusting remarks below, in a moment.
The pro-life movement champions life for all. The Left has given America a culture of death which does not value human life. The Colorado shooter’s criminal acts contradict the actions and philosophy of a peaceful movement of millions of pro-life Americans.
Public policy regarding the protection of human life must be discussed with conviction and civility. Boston and his fellow leftists should not politicize and exploit a tragedy that has torn apart the lives of the victims’ families. AU and others should not attempt to capitalize on the murderous acts of one deranged person for political gain. This is a time to come alongside the families of those who tragically lost their lives. This is also yet another time to consider how our nation can stop mentally unstable people from going on killing rampages.
Planned Parenthood is not an innocent victim. The killer’s horrendous acts do not exonerate an organization under multiple state and federal investigations with a years-long, nationwide pattern of waste, abuse, and potentially fraudulent behavior.
This is also a time to recognize true heroism, the true grit of Officer Garrett Swasey, killed that day. He risked his life to save others. That’s courage, when one lays down his life for his fellow man.
Okay, now let’s get to the “reasoned” pro-choice Left, as Boston alleges:
On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that companies with religious objections may opt out of covering contraceptives for women, the Associated Press reported. The news did not sit well with pro-abortion liberals who decried the ruling. Some, Twitchy said, were so angry they called for burning down Hobby Lobby in violent, profane tweets.
“[L]iterally burn hobby lobby (sic) to the ground,” one pro-abortion liberal screamed on Twitter.
“I hope all your stores burn to the ground,” another person said.
“#HobbyLobby are scum of the earth. Burn every single one down, build a homeless shelter there instead,” a third person said.
“Is Hobby Lobby now authorized to sterilize these women? What the hell are they talking about?” one person asked. The answer, of course, is no, Hobby Lobby is not allowed to sterilize women, but “closely held” corporations like Hobby Lobby are not required to pay for contraception if they have deeply-held religious views against it. According to the AP, the ruling only applies to those companies controlled by just a few people where there is basically no difference between the company and its owners.
And this over-the-top anger didn’t start with the Hobby Lobby decision. No, it has been prevalent for a long, long time.
Read this from the Democrat Underground — if you can stomach it:
The f—– up part is that these f—— “pro-life” f—- claim the moral high ground, saying they are part of the “culture of life”. Well I don’t see a cultures of life, I see a culture of suffering and death. These people aren’t even fit to lick week old dog s— off of my f—— boots.
The Left has a major problem with anger, incivility and vulgarity. The people who value each and every individual human life are the adults in the room. The bitter, angry Left keeps spinning … and spinning its wheels.
Peace on earth and good will toward men.